University of Delaware Institute for Global Studies Fall 2024: EXCHANGE German-American FederationProgram Dates September 25, 2024 - July 31, 2025 (dates are tentative)
This program has been cancelled.
Program Overview Traveling and studying abroad during a global pandemic poses new challenges and requires accepting a higher level of uncertainty than in the past. Students who choose to study abroad at this time must be prepared to adapt to the evolving situation and must take responsibility to act in accordance with the rules, regulations, and recommendations of UD, their program leadership, and legal authorities of their home and host country. Due to the rapidly changing and unpredictable global and local response to COVID-19, these rules, regulations and recommendations are subject to change at any time.
The University will continue to monitor the ongoing situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) as we approach the departure date for this program. Please reach out to your program coordinator or faculty director with questions and continue to monitor the UD coronavirus webpage for updates.
If UD decides to cancel a study abroad program, we will communicate directly with affected students. In this case, the University of Delaware will reimburse the cost of program fees, tuition and flights (if purchase was advised by CGPS).
If you are unable to attend an interest meeting, download and read the power point at the bottom of this page which describes both the German-American exchange program and the Salzburg fall semester program.
Program Overview
Spend a full year (fall and spring semester) studying at a German university through a partnership/exchange between the University of Delaware and the
Federation of German-American Clubs. Two deserving student participants each year will receive a scholarship of 8,000 euro (paid out in ten monthly installments), which covers room, board, and some living expenses. (Tuition is almost free at German universities.) The scholarship also includes a German rail pass which allows students to purchase train tickets within Germany at half price. Students will be expected to pay for their own airfare, health insurance, and personal expenses. This program affords students a full immersion educational experience at a German university. If you are independent, resourceful, and self-motivated, and have a working knowledge of German, this opportunity could be just the thing for you!
General Info / Student Life
Language: Students must have a good working knowledge of both written and oral German in order to function on campus and succeed in their courses.
Calendar: University semester start and end dates vary by state, but generally speaking the "Wintersemester" runs from October until February, and the "Sommersemester" runs from April through July. Check the individual university web sites for specific dates.
Visas and Passports: A valid passport is necessary. U.S. citizens do not need a visa to enter Germany but must apply for a residence permit shortly after arrival.
Transportation: The availability of local transportation will vary from city to city, but, generally speaking, German towns and cities have reliable and efficient bus or even streetcar or subway systems, and student rates are usually available on monthly passes.
Housing and Meals: Scholarship recipients will reside in university dormitories. The Federation representative in the student's placement city will assist in obtaining university housing. Students will have access to low-priced meals in the student cafeteria. All students are required to stay in program sponsored housing, independent housing arrangements are not allowed by UD or the program partners.
The Institute for Global Studies cooperates with the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures on the administration of this program.
ACCESSIBILITY: Students with disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to study abroad, but should be aware that accessibility and accommodation in some program locations may differ from the United States. Transit systems and legacy building construction practices may not meet U.S. accessibility standards, and alternative access to public transportation, buildings, or public sites cannot be guaranteed. Review
these questions with the
Office of Disability Support Services to determine whether this program can meet your accommodation needs.
Courses: All students must enroll in the 0-credit course UNIV 550 (placeholder for this travel study experience) and UNIV 372 (Discovery Learning marker). Students will enroll as full-time, matriculated students at a German university. Prior to the beginning of the first semester, students will take a German language exam. If they pass, they are permitted to enroll in any courses in which space is available. If they do not pass, they must take German language courses for non-native speakers during their first semester in order to improve their proficiency and pass the test prior to the second semester. Students should not expect to earn the equivalent of 15 credits per semester, as the German university courses are quite demanding; six credits is a more realistic goal. Participants in this exchange would enroll in 24-30 ECTS (European credits) in order to earn the equivalent of 12-15 UD credits per semester.
Students should obtain official grade reports before leaving Germany in order to pursue transfer credit upon their return to UD. Students must earn the equivalent grade of "C" or better in order for credit to transfer to UD. Before committing to the program students are encouraged to meet with their assistant dean and to complete
this form through UD’s Registrar’s Office to ensure that credits earned on the program will facilitate their progress towards graduation. It is the student's responsibility to secure the necessary UD transfer credit permissions prior to departure according to
UD's standard transfer credit procedure, and to have an official transcript from the host institution sent to UD upon the conclusion of the exchange semester.
UNIV 372-024: Study Abroad - EXCHANGE German-American Federation (0 credits) pass/failSatisfies the following requirements:
Program Costs:Contact Information: