Program Information
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Fall 2024: Aix-en-Provence - French program
August 27, 2024 - December 13, 2024
This program is closed. Please contact the faculty director for more information.

Interest Meetings:
02/22/2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Orientation Meetings - attend ALL of the following:
04/10/2024 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM121 E. Delaware Ave (Study Abroad House)
Program Notes
Program Quick Facts
Min GPA 2.5
Visa Required/Fee Yes / additional fee
Internships Offered Yes / $700 additonal fee
Move-in Date 8/27/24
Orientation CEA CAPA 8/28 - 8/30
Orientation IAU 9/1 - 9/2
Add/Drop TBD
Last Day of Classes 12/6/24 - Final 12/9-12/12
Move-out Date 12/13/24

All applicants must have a valid passport by the program’s application deadline. Your passport’s expiration date must be more than six months after the program ends. If you do not have a current passport, apply through the U.S. State Department. It takes an average of 10-13 weeks (3-4 months) to process a passport.

Before departure, students are responsible for applying for and obtaining a visa for France and should budget approximately $350 for this process. Students will receive guidance on visa procedures from CEA but are ultimately responsible for obtaining their own visa

Please review the CGPS COVID-19 Updates page before applying to a study abroad program for information about COVID-19 related travel requirements and policies for UD study abroad.

Traveling and studying abroad during a global pandemic poses new challenges and requires accepting a higher level of uncertainty than in the past. Students who choose to study abroad at this time must be prepared to adapt to the evolving situation and must take responsibility to act in accordance with the rules, regulations, and recommendations of UD, their program leadership, and legal authorities of their home and host country. Due to the rapidly changing and unpredictable global and local response to COVID-19, these rules, regulations and recommendations are subject to change at any time.

The University will continue to monitor the ongoing situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) as we approach the departure date for this program. Please reach out to your program coordinator or faculty director with questions and continue to monitor the UD coronavirus webpage for updates. If UD decides to cancel a study abroad program, we will communicate directly with affected students.
Program Description
France Interest Meeting Recording - CEA CAPA

Study in Aix-en-Provence and put your French skills to use and immerse into local culture while gaining the hands-on experience that employers value! The program in Aix-en-Provence allows you to make steady progress toward your academic degree while developing practical skills in fields such art, art history, business, communication, education, journalism, history, museum studies, sustainability, tourism, and more. The program incorporates a professional internship placement as part of your studies abroad.

The University of Delaware collaborates with CEA CAPA which is the organization that coordinates all on-site logistics. CEA CAPA's on-site staff make housing and excursion arrangements, inform students of local activities, and assist students if any problems arise.

Housing option available that is included in the program fee is student residence - shared studio.

Experiential Learning
Internships are credit-bearing and available for an additional cost of $700 to suitable applicants. Additional materials are required for internship participants (cover letter and resume--see samples downloadable at the bottom of this page). Students should be specific in their cover letter about the type of internship and host organization they are seeking so that the best possible match can be made, commensurate with the student's French language skills and the host organization's needs. Possible work areas could include finance, public relations, communication, social media content, journalism, and others. Although specific placements are not guaranteed, students go through an individualized placement process with the end result being a placement that best aligns to their goals. Students who opt for an internship enroll in a 3-credit course and should be prepared to intern for approximately 15 hours per week for eight weeks during the semester. Please refer to the internship guide and syllabus at the bottom of this page for more details about the placement process and general expectations.

The program fee does NOT include airfare or transportation to/from U.S. airports. The program officially begins in Aix-en-Provence. Students will receive detailed travel instructions after acceptance, explaining how and where to purchase their plane ticket. See the Cost section below for estimate airfare. For this program, students will be given recommended flight itineraries for traveling together. Prior to departure, students will be given instructions regarding pick-up at the airport in Marseille, France.

CEA requires that students have already completed 1 full year as a registered college/university student at the time of their application to the internship program (students who apply during their freshman year are not eligible to participate in an internship if they study abroad during their sophomore year). Additionally, 3-4 courses directly related to the internship field of interest or 6 weeks full time work in the field is encouraged when applying for internships.
ACCESSIBILITY: Students with disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to study abroad, but should be aware that accessibility and accommodation in some program locations may differ from the United States. Transit systems and legacy building construction practices may not meet U.S. accessibility standards, and alternative access to public transportation, buildings, or public sites cannot be guaranteed. Review these questions with the Office of Disability Support Services to determine whether this program can meet your accommodation needs.
Program Courses
Students must enroll in all credit-bearing courses for a grade. Only the UNIV (zero credit) course may be taken pass/fail. Audit registration is not permitted on UD Travel Study. Please refer to the University Catalog to verify requirements and prerequisites
All students must enroll in at least 12 credits, as well as the 0-credit UNIV course.
ANTH 235-070: Food and Culture (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: WGS/HIS 270 Title: Food Culture in Provence, France and the Mediterranean
Examines the cultural dimensions of food and eating. Topics include what foods mean in different cultures, food taboos and religious beliefs, the influence of globalization and Western consumerism, ethnocentric assumptions about health and body in diet and nutrition science, hunger and the global food crisis, and international food policy. Analyzes how businesses and social movements invoke alternatives to industrial food in terms of culture and place, such as local food, slow food, fair trade, and community supported agriculture. Broadly adopts an anthropological view of food and diet as sites of profound and dangerous transformations in human history and planetary landscapes and climate over the span of millennia.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University Social Science Breadth
Arts and Sciences - Group C
ART 180-074: Digital Photography for Non-Majors (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ART 110 Photography
Introduces the basics of photography as a way to communicate ideas emphasizing content, composition, and technique. Examines contemporary artists and historic movements through research, gallery visits and lectures. Using a digital camera and visual editing software students create, edit and critique images.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University Arts/Humanities Breadth
Arts and Sciences - Group A
Restrictions: Open to non-majors.
Instruction in English; Additional $150 fee
BUAD 364-075: Business Administration in Practice (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BUS/FRE 341 International Internship - CEA CAPA changed to INT 341
Requires completion of at least 120 hours of a management, marketing, operations management, or international business internship with verification by the hiring company. Term paper relating the real-world duties and experiences of the internship to principles learned in traditional business courses also required.

Satisfies the following requirements:
Discovery Learning
Instruction in French
ECON 342-070: Studies in International Economics (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECO 301 International Economics and the European Union
Analysis of selected topics in International Economic, including international trade, international finance and the analysis of non-U.S. economies.
Prerequisite: ECON101 and ECON103.
Instruction in English
ENSC 102-070: Introduction to Environmental Science (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ES 201 Principles of Environmental Science in Society
Exploration of the field of environmental science, ranging in topics from changes in population to climate change, with a focus on the various components of the environment. For each topic, students will gain background knowledge on the topic, and then explore deeper through case studies.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University Math/Science Breadth
Instruction in English
FREN 211-070: French Reading and Composition (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE 383-AIX 1 - Writing in the Mediterranean: The Meeting of Literature and Regional Culture
Reading and discussion of French literature. Frequent compositions. Grammar

review where appropriate.
Prerequisite: FREN200 with a minimum grade of C or FREN107 with a minimum grade of A-.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University Arts/Humanities Breadth
Arts and Sciences - Group A
Instruction in French
FREN 355-071: Special Topics: WOMEN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE/LIT 362 - Women and the Mediterranean: From Myth to Modernity
Explores an area of special interest in French literature or culture studies. ONLY OFFERED FALL
Instruction in French
FREN 376-070: Introduction to French Culture and Society (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FLM/FRE 356 - France as Seen Through its Movies, The 1980s to Today
Study of the cultural and social institutions of France and Francophone countries and regions. Topics may vary by section. Taught abroad. Geared to students at the high intermediate level.
Restrictions: Can be repeated twice if topics vary.
Instruction in French
FREN 376-071: Introduction to French Culture and Society (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE 306 - Cross-cultural Studies in Food and Culture
Study of the cultural and social institutions of France and Francophone countries and regions. Topics may vary by section. Taught abroad. Geared to students at the high intermediate level.
Restrictions: Can be repeated twice if topics vary.
Instruction in French
FREN 403-070: Structure of French (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE/LING 412 - Contemporary French: The Linguistics of Everyday Language
Study of the sounds, morphology and syntax of the French language, as well as

of discursive phenomena. Introduces students to the science of lingustics as

applied to French.
Prerequisite: Two 300-level French courses, one of which should be FREN314.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University Social Science Breadth
Arts and Sciences - Group C
Instruction in French
FREN 405-070: Translation and Stylistics (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE 402 - Translation and Structure II: From Colloquial to Literature
Focuses on vocabulary and translation skills (from French into English and

Prerequisite: One of FREN 301, 302, or 303, plus one other 3XX.
Instruction in French
FREN 455-072: Dissent in the Mediterranean (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE/POL 417 - Dissent in the Mediterranean
Works of one or more outstanding authors or on a special theme.
Prerequisite: Two 300-level French courses, including at least ONE of FREN 301, FREN 302, or FREN 303.
Instruction in French College of Engineering Breadth: EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement
FREN 455-070: Selected Authors, Works and Themes (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE/LIT 414 - France and Francophone Literature, a Dialogue
Works of one or more outstanding authors or on a special theme.
Prerequisite: Two 300-level French courses, including at least ONE of: FREN 301, 302, or 303
Restrictions: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
Instruction in French
FREN 476-072: Topics in French Culture and Society (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FREN/LIT 411 - Crossing Spaces in the Intercultural Context
Study of the cultural and social institutions of France and Francophone countries and regions. Topics may vary by section. Taught abroad. Intended for students demonstrating advanced proficiency, as determined by placement test.
Prerequisite: Two 300-level courses taught in French.
Instruction in French
HIST 352-070: Europe, 1945 to the Present (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIS 303 France and Europe in the Cold War
A comprehensive survey and analysis of the evolution and structure of post World War II European society.
Satisfies the following requirements:
University History Breadth
Arts and Sciences - Group B
Restrictions: When taught abroad, focuses on the host country.
Instruction in English
POSC 309-073: Political Culture By Country (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: FRE/POL 376 Contemporary French Identities
Introduction to the political and civic cultures underpinning and supporting

different political systems. Topics may vary depending on host country.
Satisfies the following requirements:
Arts and Sciences - Group B
Restrictions: Offered only in conjunction with travel abroad programs. May be taken twice for credit when countries vary.
Instruction in French
POSC 339-073: European Union (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: POL 307 The European Union: Integration, Enlargement, Unity
The European Union is an economic and political union that binds together twenty-seven European countries. This course provides an overview of the history, institutions, policies and controversies surrounding the European Union.
Instruction in English
POSC 350-070: Politics and the Environment (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: POL/ES 309 Global Environmental Politics
The political context of environmental issues; air and water pollution,

population control, and conservation.
Instruction in English
POSC 362-071: Diplomacy (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: IR 305 US Diplomacy in an Age of Change: Case Studies and Practical Exercises
Diplomacy is the art of formal representation and policy implementation.

Diplomats need to understand complex material and represent positions in an

effective manner. These skills are applicable in a variety of contexts.

Readings, discussions, cases and simulations are used to introduce diplomatic

Instruction in English
POSC 377-070: Arab-Israeli Politics (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: POL/IR 318 Palestinian Israeli Conflict
Development of the Arab-Israeli conflict analyzed from the Dreyfus Affair and

the Balfour Declaration to current events.
Satisfies the following requirements:
Arts and Sciences - Group B
Instruction in English
POSC 410-070: Islam in Global Affairs (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIS/SOC 304 Muslim Presence in Europe
Explores three main elements of political Islam - epistemological, reformative and militant, and examines how the struggle to construct Islam is reconstructing the international system.
Instruction in English
UNIV 373-014: Study Abroad - Aix-en-Provence (0 credits) pass/fail
Students are asked to reflect upon changes in their knowledge, skills, and attitudes that occur due to their study abroad experience and are required to complete a brief post-program assessment of these changes.
Satisfies the following requirements:
Discovery Learning
The Semester in Aix-en-Provence is designed for sophomores, juniors, and seniors regardless of major, who have completed two courses beyond the intermediate level taught in French (FREN 211 and one other course), or the equivalent, prior to departure. A thorough working knowledge of French is essential, and a minimum 2.5 grade point average (on a 4.00 scale) is required. Full-time enrollment status (12 or more credits) during the program is also required.

All students interested in the internship portion of this program must have completed a full academic year of university studies at the time of application.
For all participants, a formal application is necessary, including at least one recommendation. An interview may be conducted in person or by Zoom.

A transcript is required from Non-UD applicants only. Non-UD students, please email a copy of your official transcript to the Program Coordinator.

Study abroad at the University of Delaware is highly competitive. Please review the study abroad acceptance process. If you are not selected for your first choice program, we encourage you to apply to another program.
How much does it cost?.
  • University of Delaware Tuition/Fees for one Fall Semester
  • Travel Study Program Fee
    • Usually covers: housing, all program-related excursions and some meals (check with the program's faculty director for details).
    • Does NOT cover: airfare to/from the program site and ground transportation to/from the U.S. departure airport. For planning purposes only, we estimate roundtrip airfare to be approximately $1,200.00.
  • Plan ahead for how to pay for travel study, and make sure you understand the costs associated with your program.
When and how do I pay?
If you are offered acceptance to the program, you will have 3 days to withdraw without financial penalty. After the 3 days have passed, you will be officially accepted to the program, and CGPS will post the full Program Fee and Tuition/Fees to your UD student account.
  • An initial payment of $1000.00 will be due in early April.
  • The balance of the Program Fee and Tuition/Fees will be due in early August.
  • Payments are submitted through My Finances in UDSIS.
  • All charges, once posted to your account, are considered non-refundable.
Other important things to note:
  • Program Fees are subject to change until the group's departure date. Final Program Fees may increase due to unforeseen local cost increases, fluctuations in exchange rates, or changes in the group size.
  • CGPS reserves the right to cancel a program at any time due to under-enrollment, safety/health/security issues, staffing issues, or any other relevant reason. If your program is cancelled, you will receive a full refund of all Program Fees paid.
Delaware ResidentNon-Delaware Resident
Final Tuition based on current year$7,300.00$19,595.00
Final Program Fee$13,175.00$13,175.00
UD Registration & Activities Fee$0.00$0.00
Total to be charged to UD account (final)$20,475.00$32,770.00
Plus Airfare Estimate (purchased separately)$1,200.00$1,200.00
The rates above may not apply to you if you are a UD graduate student during the time you are studying abroad. Please refer to for the appropriate rates.
Our partner organization, CEA, has several types of scholarships for which students can apply directly.

The University of Delaware’s differential charge for Engineering, Nursing and Business & Economics students does not apply to winter or summer session and is waived for students enrolled in semester- or year-long study abroad and exchange programs sponsored by the University.
Financial need-based scholarships are available to UD undergraduates on a competitive basis. To be considered, students must have a current FAFSA on-file with Student Financial Services. For more details, please see our scholarships page.
All charges, once posted to your account, are considered non-refundable. Payments are submitted through My Finances in UDSIS.
Submit Program Application by 5pm onFebruary 25, 2024
Acceptance and Scholarship AnnouncedMarch 20, 2024
$1,000.00 Initial Payment Due *early April
Program Fee Balance, Tuition and Fees Dueearly August
*All students will receive an email when they are accepted to a program and will have 10 days from that notification to make their $1,000.00 Initial Payment.
Deborah Steinberger
Faculty Director
Foreign Languages and Literatures
205 Jastak-Burgess Hall
Desirae Wright
Study Abroad Coordinator
121 E Delaware Avenue, Newark, DE, 19716
File Downloads
French placement test description
French placement test suggestions and tips
sample cover letter and resume
Internship - Resume Resource
Internship - Statement of Interest Resource

Program information is subject to change at any time. Please check this web site periodically for updates.