Fall 2025: Barcelona, Spain |
This program is closed. Please contact the faculty director for more information. |
Meetings | |
Program Notes | |
Program Description | |
Program Courses | |
Students must enroll in all credit-bearing courses for a grade. Only the UNIV (zero credit) course may be taken pass/fail. Audit registration is not permitted on UD Travel Study. Please refer to the University Catalog to verify requirements and prerequisites |
All students must enroll in at least 12 credits, as well as the 0-credit UNIV course. |
ART 180-072: Digital Photography for Non-Majors (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Digital Photography |
Introduces the basics of photography as a way to communicate ideas emphasizing content, composition, and technique. Examines contemporary artists and historic movements through research, gallery visits and lectures. Using a digital camera and visual editing software students create, edit and critique images. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University Arts/Humanities Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group A |
Restrictions: Open to non-majors |
ARTH 199-073: Topics in Art History: Art Nouveau Architecture Sketched and Explained (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Modernism: Art Nouveau Architecture Sketched and Explained |
Not Offered in 25F
An introduction to great artists and their masterpieces. Topics change with each time of offering. Specific topics may focus on a crucial moment in history, or on a particular theme explored throughout the ages. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University Arts/Humanities Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group A |
Restrictions: May be repeated for credit twice when topics vary. |
ARTH 249-071: Art and Architecture in Context: Great Art Collections of Spain (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: The Great Art Collections in Spain |
Painting, sculpture and architecture studied as artistic and cultural expressions of their times. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University Arts/Humanities Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group A |
ARTH 249-072: Art and Architecture in Context:Spanish Art and Cultural Heritage (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Spanish Art and Cultural Heritage |
Painting, sculpture and architecture studied as artistic and cultural expressions of their times. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University Arts/Humanities Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group A |
BUAD 367-070: Departmental elective (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Cross-Cultural Management |
In an increasingly global world, managers must be able to handle diversity effectively. The aim of this module is therefore:
- To increase awareness of the impact of national cultures on business.
- To know the most significant cultural dimensions.
- To understand the logic behind each cultural preference.
- To provide students with theoretical and practical tools designed to help them improve their productivity when working and doing business with people from other cultures.
- To raise students awareness of their own personal orientations.
- To tolerate and value cultural diversity as a source of higher productivity in companies when handled effectively.
BUAD 384-070: Globalization and Business (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: International Business |
Evaluation of the elements of the national, international, and global environments that influence the context and conduct of international business. Emphasizes aspects of the cultural, political, economic, legal-regulatory, trade, financial, and institutional environments. |
Restrictions: Requires junior status. |
BUAD 421-072: Human Resource Management (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: People Management |
Not offered in 25F
Explores traditional topic areas (e.g., planning, selection, training, compensation, performance appraisal, career development, legal regulations) and contemporary issues (e.g., workforce diversity, the link between human resource strategy and firm strategy) related to the effective management of human resources in organizations. |
Prerequisite: BUAD309 |
BUAD 475-071: International Marketing (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: International Marketing Strategies |
Analysis of the concepts and practices relating to the marketing of products and services internationally. Focus on the uncontrollable environmental forces facing an international marketer, issues relating to the standardization of marketing strategies across countries and the unique problems of specific international markets. |
Prerequisite: BUAD 100 or BUAD 301. |
BUAD 477-070: Digital Marketing (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: E-Commerce and Online Business |
Explore the possibility and limitations of various digital media and learn how to apply and adapt basic and advanced marketing strategies to construct and critically evaluate digital efforts, their impact, and their practical use in marketing contexts. Develop skills related to search engines, social media, web analytics, and a wide variety of other formats. Examine strategies for creating, managing, and measuring two-way marketing conversations with consumers on a variety of digital platforms, including mobile devices. |
Prerequisite: BUAD 301. |
Restrictions: Open to marketing majors only. |
COMM 204-070: Gender and Communication (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Communication & Gender |
Deals with gender differences in communication in varied contexts, such as conflict, marriage, family, friendship, and work. |
COMM 263-074: Communicative Behavior and Culture (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Intercultural Communication |
Communicative processes in other cultures as well as subcultures in the US will be discussed. Students will become more mindful and aware of their own cultural patterns as well. Difficulties in cross cultural communication will also be discussed. |
ECON 342-071: Studies in International Economics (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: International Economics |
Not offered in 25F
Analysis of selected topics in International Economic, including international trade, international finance and the analysis of non-U.S. economies. |
Prerequisite: ECON 101 and ECON 103. |
Restrictions: May be repeated once for credit. |
FINC 415-072: International Finance (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: International Finance |
Examines the international monetary environment and its impact on financial planning for the firm. Topics include exchange rates, currency restrictions, tax regulations, direct investment theory, capital budgeting, financing, risk management, and working capital management. |
Prerequisite: FINC 311. |
Restrictions: Open to Junior and Senior Finance Majors and International Business Studies major only |
HIST 339: Topics in European History: Spain (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Spanish History: 1936 to present |
Explores the political, social, cultural, and economic history of Europe, with a focus or theme that touches on one or more countries. The emphasis when taught in Newark is on particular aspects of European history distinct from national narratives. The syllabi are typically complemented by visits to museums and appropriate historic sites when taught abroad. Topics vary but often focus on a sweeping historical survey of the particular European country in which a Study Abroad program is taking place. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University History Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group B |
LLCU 208: Cultures in Context (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Mediterranean Culture and History |
Taught abroad in English, this course introduces students to their host culture and its history. Includes excursions to important cultural and natural sites, readings and discussion, and research on the host culture. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University History Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group B |
LLCU 330-071: Topics: World Literatures and Cultures (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: The Image of Barcelona in Literature |
Cultural, especially cross-cultural, study with primary emphasis on the historical development of the announced area, e.g., Nature in the Ancient World, Speculative Fiction, Transformation of a Myth. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| University History Breadth |
| Arts and Sciences - Group B |
Restrictions: May be repeated three times for credit when topics vary. |
POSC 309-072: Political Culture By Country: Spain (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Cultures Without State: The Case of Catalonia |
Introduction to the political and civic cultures underpinning and supporting different political systems. Topics may vary depending on host country. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Arts and Sciences - Group B |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
POSC 409-078: Topics in World Politics: Geopolitics and International Relations (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Geopolitics and International Relations |
Topics in world politics. Topics will vary. |
POSC 409-076: Topics in World Politics: Greater Middle East (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: A Greater Middle East |
Topics in world politics. Topics will vary. |
POSC 409-077: Topics in World Politics: Mediterranean Politics (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Mediterranean Politics |
Topics in world politics. Topics will vary. |
POSC 409-075: Topics in World Politics: Politics, War and Economics (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Politics, War and Economics in the Age of Globalisation |
Topics in world politics. Topics will vary. |
POSC 442: Topics in European Politics: Political Economy of European Integration (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: The Political Economy of European Integration |
Course Not Offered in 24F
Examination of current trends in European politics. Topics will vary. |
Restrictions: May be taken twice for credit when topics vary. |
POSC 442: Topics in European Politics: Urban Approach to Spanish and European Cities (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: An Urban Approach to Spain and Europe |
Course Not Offered in 24F
Examination of current trends in European politics. Topics will vary. |
Restrictions: May be taken twice for credit when topics vary. |
SOCI 340-070: Global Policy and Inequality (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Inequality, Poverty, and Globalisation |
Explores the relationship between social policy and social inequality in the U.S. and comparable societies. Focuses on public policy and the role of NGOs in social service delivery. Specific social policy areas include employment, family, health care, education, social security, welfare, and affirmative action policies. |
SPAN 105-070: Spanish I - Elementary (4 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola A1 - 45 minute version |
Introduction to the Spanish language and a development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through the use of basic texts. |
Prerequisite: No Spanish background, two or fewer years of high school Spanish. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
SPAN 106-070: Spanish II - Elementary/Intermediate (4 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola A2 - 45 minute version |
Completion of basic Spanish. Increasing mastery of the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. |
Prerequisite: SPAN 105 |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
Restrictions: Two to three years of high school Spanish acceptable in lieu of prerequisite. |
SPAN 107-075: Spanish III - Intermediate (4 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola B1.1 - 45 minute version |
Review of grammar, continued practice in speaking and writing, and reading texts of average difficulty. |
Prerequisite: SPAN 106 |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
Restrictions: Four years of high school Spanish acceptable in lieu of prerequisite. Satisfies College of Arts and Sciences language requirement. |
SPAN 200-070: Spanish Composition and Grammar (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola B1.2 – 45 minute version |
First part of a thorough grammar review and intensive practice, targeting structure, essential vocabulary, speaking, listening and extensive writing. |
Prerequisite: SPAN 107 |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
SPAN 300-072: Advanced Spanish Composition and Grammar I (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola B2.2 - 45 minute version |
Second part of a thorough review and intensive practive, targeting structure, essential vocabulary, speaking, listening and extensive writing. |
Prerequisite: SPAN 200. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | SPAN 200. |
SPAN 305-070: Oral Communication (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Lengua Espanola B2.2 - 45 minute version |
Mastery of practical communication in Spanish by means of conversation, oral presentations, and discussions of cultural topics and enactments of common situarions. Emphasis on refinement of expression of preferences, doubts, and abstract ideas, as well as speculation on the future. |
Prerequisite: SPAN 200. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
SPAN 308-072: Contemporary Spain II (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Spanish Civilization and Culture |
Discussion and study of issues related to contemporary cultural, political, and social developments in Spain, including its place in today’s European community. |
Prerequisite: Any two 200-level Spanish courses taught in the Spanish language. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
Restrictions: Taught abroad and in Spanish. |
SPAN 352-072: Introduction to Business Spanish (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Espanol para los Negocios |
Introduction of essential business/commercial terminology in common business context, reinforcing strategies for understanding, interpreting, and responding to new information, and providing opportunities for interactive practice. Familiarizes student with basic policies and practices of the Hispanic business community. Includes writing, conversation, grammar and culture. |
Prerequisite: Any two 200-level SPAN courses |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Other: | EG BREADTH: COE Breadth Requirement |
UAPP 235-070: The Future of Cities in a Global Age (3 credits) |
Provider Equivalent: Barcelona City Planning and Architecture |
This course examines the future of cities in the world and their potential for creating a more sustainable global society. More than half of the world’s population live in cities, and two thirds of the world’s projected nine billion inhabitants will be city-dwellers by 2050. |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Arts and Sciences - Group C |
UNIV 373-011: Study Abroad - Barcelona, Spain (0 credits) pass/fail |
Students are asked to reflect upon changes in their knowledge, skills, and attitudes that occur due to their study abroad experience and are required to complete a brief post-program assessment of these changes |
Satisfies the following requirements: |
| Discovery Learning |
Requirements | |
For all participants, a formal application is necessary, including at least one recommendation. An interview may be conducted in person or by Zoom.
A transcript is required from Non-UD applicants only. Non-UD students, please email a copy of your official transcript to the Program Coordinator.
Study abroad at the University of Delaware is highly competitive. Please review the study abroad acceptance process. If you are not selected for your first choice program, we encourage you to apply to another program. |
Costs | |
Other important things to note:
- CGPS reserves the right to cancel a program at any time due to under-enrollment, safety/health/security issues, staffing issues, or any other relevant reason.
Deadlines | |
All charges, once posted to your account, are considered non-refundable. Payments are submitted through My Finances in UDSIS. |
Submit Program Application by 5pm on | TBD |
*All students will receive an email when they are accepted to a program and will have 10 days from that notification to make their $0.00 Initial Payment. |
Contacts | |
Program information is subject to change at any time. Please check this web site periodically for updates. |