Program Information
P-SP=[0], P-TAP=[0], P-PC=[0], St-SP=[0], TA-TAP=[0], DDipl-DDA=[0], Pcl-PC=[0], Sess-PC=[0], Sess-SP=[0], Sess-TAP=[0], Sess-P=[117]
Fall 2025: Brisbane, Australia
This program is closed. Please contact the faculty director for more information.
Program Notes
Program Description
Program Courses
Students must enroll in all credit-bearing courses for a grade. Only the UNIV (zero credit) course may be taken pass/fail. Audit registration is not permitted on UD Travel Study. Please refer to the University Catalog to verify requirements and prerequisites
All students must enroll in at least 0 credits, as well as the 0-credit UNIV course.
All University of Queensland (UQ) courses are taught in English, and offerings can vary from semester to semester. Students must take a minimum of 12 credit hours and courses must be for credit, not pass-fail. As a UD program, all UQ courses completed with a grad

Note: This program is designed for students in biomedical engineering and requires a meeting with the program advisor, Julie Karand.

BMEG 310: Bioengineering Mechanics (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ENGG 1700 - Statics & Materials
Introduction to statics and mechanics of solids with application to biomedical problems.
Prerequisite: PHYS 203 or PHYS 207 and PHYS 227, and MATH 243.
BMEG 330: Biomedical Instrumentation (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 6403 - Biomedical Instrumentation
Introduction to the basics of assembling and using instrumentation for the purposes of recording electrophysiological signals. Mechanical, chemical, electrical and biological principles for biomedical measurements. Instrumentation for measuring bioelectrical signals, temperature, blood pressure, and body chemistry are covered.
Prerequisite: BMEG 230 or ELEG 305 and MATH 305 and PHYS 204 or PHYS 208 and PHYS 228.
BMEG 340: Biomedical Modeling and Simulation (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 3001 - Quantitative Methods in Biomed
Developing mathematical models of biomedical processes and experiments. Topics include unit analysis, exponential growth/decay, half-life, exponential vs. age-structured death models, sigmoidal growth models, sigmoidal effect models, mass-action reaction rates, and experimental measurement noise models. Simulation of all of the above using MATLAB
Prerequisite: MATH 305, CISC 106 and BMEG 230.
BMEG 341: Biomedical Experiment Design & Analysis (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: STAT 1201 - Analysis of Scientific Data
Biomedical engineering undergraduate students are introduced to the fundamental principles and techniques involved in the design, execution, and interpretation of biomedical research experiments. In addition to introducing students to analytical techniques used for biomedical data and training them how to properly communicate experimental results, students will have an understanding of their professional and ethical responsibilities as biomedical engineers.
Restrictions: Open to BME students; ENGG students may take it with the instructor’s permission.
BMEG 367: Seminar: Analysis of Scientific Data (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: STAT 1201 - Analysis of Scientific Data

BMEG 367: Seminar: Humanitarian Engineering (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ENGG 2000 - Humanitarian Engineering
BMEG 367: Seminar: Quantitative Methods in Biomed (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 3001 - Quantitative Methods in Biomed
BMEG 367: Seminar: Statics & Materials (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ENGG 1700 - Statics & Materials
BMEG 467: Seminar: Medical Imaging (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 6601 - Medical Imaging
BMEG 479: Introduction to Medical Imaging Systems (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 6601 - Medical Imaging
Physics, instrumentation, system design, and image reconstruction algorithms will be covered for the following modalities: radiography, x-ray computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and real-time ultrasound.

May be crosslisted with ELEG 479.
Prerequisite: BMEG 230 or ELEG 305.
ELEG 479: Introduction to Medical Imaging Systems (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 6601 - Medical Imaging
Physics, instrumentation, system design, and image reconstruction algorithms will be covered for the following modalities: radiography, x-ray computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and real-time ultrasound.

Crosslisted with BMEG 479.
Prerequisite: BMEG 230 or ELEG 305.
ENGL 411: Rhetoric of the Professions (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: WRIT 2000 - Writing & Editing for the Prof
Study of rhetorical theories and strategies within professional contexts.
Prerequisite: ENGL 110.
HIST 140: History of Modern Asia (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIST 2040 - The Modern History of East Asi
Comparative survey of the modern histories of China, Japan, and Vietnam, emphasizing their mutual influences and interactions as they responded to the promises and perils of modernity. Topics include traditional societies, imperialism and colonialism, nationalist and communist movements, militarism, the Pacific War, the Vietnam Conflict, and emergence of the Chinese economic powerhouse.
Satisfies the following requirements:
Arts and Sciences - Group B
HIST 167: Seminar: History of Sport & Phys Act (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIST 3002 - History of Sport & Phys Act Au
HIST 267: Seminar: Modern Germany (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIST 2407 - Modern Germany
HIST 267: Seminar: The Australian Experience (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: HIST 1201 - The Australian Experience
MEEG 321: Materials Engineering (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: MECH 3301 - Materials Selection
Mechanical properties and materials behavior under static and dynamic loading;fatigue, creep, wear and corrosion; properties and applications of metals,ceramics, polymers and composites; forming and joining of materials; practicalexamples of materials selection in design and use of materials data bases.
Prerequisite: MSEG 201 and a C- or better in MEEG 215 or CIEG 212.
Restrictions: Open to majors only.
MEEG 367: Seminar: Materials Selection (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: MECH 3301 - Materials Selection
MSEG 460: Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 4305 - Biomaterials
Explores the principles and methodologies of tissue engineering with polymeric biomaterials. Both biological and materials science concepts will be introduced. Specific topics include cell growth and differentiation, extracellular matrixcomposition and properties, polymerization methods, polymer characterization methods and mechanical properties, and drug delivery.
Restrictions: Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of organic chemistry and biology prior to enrollment in this course.
MSEG 467: Seminar: Biomaterials (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: BIOE 4305 - Biomaterials
PSYC 100: General Psychology (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: NEUR 1020 - The Brain & Behavioral Science
Introduction to the process of psychological science. Includes coverage of research methods, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, cognitive psychology, abnormal behavior and treatment, developmental psychology, and social and personality psychology.
Satisfies the following requirements:
Arts and Sciences - Group B
PSYC 167: Seminar: Intro to Psych (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: PSYC 1030 - Intro to Psych: Dev, Soc & Cli
PSYC 167: Seminar: The Brain & Behavioral Science (4 credits)
Provider Equivalent: NEUR 1020 - The Brain & Behavioral Science
For all participants, a formal application is necessary, including at least one recommendation. An interview may be conducted in person or by Zoom.

A transcript is required from Non-UD applicants only. Non-UD students, please email a copy of your official transcript to the Program Coordinator.

Study abroad at the University of Delaware is highly competitive. Please review the study abroad acceptance process. If you are not selected for your first choice program, we encourage you to apply to another program.
Other important things to note:
  • CGPS reserves the right to cancel a program at any time due to under-enrollment, safety/health/security issues, staffing issues, or any other relevant reason.
All charges, once posted to your account, are considered non-refundable. Payments are submitted through My Finances in UDSIS.
Submit Program Application by 5pm onTBD
*All students will receive an email when they are accepted to a program and will have 10 days from that notification to make their $0.00 Initial Payment.
Desirae Wright
Study Abroad Coordinator
121 E Delaware Avenue, Newark, DE, 19716

Program information is subject to change at any time. Please check this web site periodically for updates.