Program Information
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Fall 2025: EXCHANGE Seinan, Japan
This program is closed. Please contact the faculty director for more information.

photo courtesy of Terrance Bullock
Program Notes
Program Description
Program Courses
All students must enroll in the 0-credit course UNIV 550 (placeholder for this travel study experience) and UNIV 372 (Discovery Learning marker).
Courses on this program range from (but are not limited to) Japanese culture, sports, history and communications. Participants will also take a placement test upon arrival at Seinan University to determine their level of Japanese proficiency for placement in Japanese courses. Course levels in Japanese language range from elementary to advanced. The equivalent grade of "C-" or better is required in order for the credit to transfer to UD.

Before committing to the program, students are encouraged to meet with their assistant dean or academic advisor to ensure that credits earned on the program will facilitate their progress towards graduation. It is the student's responsibility to secure the necessary UD transfer credit permissions prior to departure according to UD's standard transfer credit procedure, and to have an official transcript from the host institution sent to UD upon the conclusion of the exchange semester.
UNIV 372-017: Study Abroad - EXCHANGE Seinan, Japan (0 credits) pass/fail
Students are asked to reflect upon changes in their knowledge, skills, and attitudes that occur due to their exchange experience
Satisfies the following requirements:
Discovery Learning
All application materials are due by 5:00pm on the dates listed below:
Submit Program Application by 5pm onTBD
File Downloads
interest meeting ppt

Program information is subject to change at any time. Please check this web site periodically for updates.