University of Delaware Institute for Global Studies
Fall 2024: Akita, Japan

Program Dates September 02, 2024 - December 20, 2024
This program is closed.

Program Overview This program is highly competitive and will accept only a limited number of applicants. Interview appointments and acceptance decisions are at the discretion of the faculty director.

Fall Semester classes begin 9/2/2024
Fall Semester classes end 12/20/2024

Please review the CGPS COVID-19 Updates page before applying to a study abroad program for information about COVID-19 related travel requirements and policies for UD study abroad.

All applicants must have a valid passport by the program’s application deadline. Your passport’s expiration date must be more than six months after the program ends. If you do not have a current passport, apply through the U.S. State Department. It takes an average of 8-11 weeks (2-3 months) to process a passport.

Traveling and studying abroad during a global pandemic poses new challenges and requires accepting a higher level of uncertainty than in the past. Students who choose to study abroad at this time must be prepared to adapt to the evolving situation and must take responsibility to act in accordance with the rules, regulations, and recommendations of UD, their program leadership, and legal authorities of their home and host country. Due to the rapidly changing and unpredictable global and local response to COVID-19, these rules, regulations and recommendations are subject to change at any time.

The University will continue to monitor the ongoing situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) as we approach the departure date for this program. Please reach out to your program coordinator or faculty director with questions and continue to monitor the UD coronavirus webpage for updates. If UD decides to cancel a study abroad program, we will communicate directly with affected students.

Akita International University is a small public liberal arts college located in the historic city of Akita in Japan’s northwest, about a 4-hour bullet train ride from Tokyo. With the Sea of Japan to the west and mountains to the east, Akita is known for its natural beauty and hot springs. Akita city hosts several famous festivals throughout the year, and Akita Kanto Festival is one of the three major festivals in the Tohoku region.

Akita International University (AIU) is one of the very few universities in Japan where all of the content courses are taught in English. Its unique and highly specialized curricula of Global Business, Global Studies, and intensive Japanese language instruction attract students from around the world. Upon arrival students will take a Japanese placement exam which will determine the level of Japanese courses in which they are permitted to enroll.

International students are housed together with Japanese students in the on-campus dormitories, most likely in the Global Village Apartments. All first-year students are required to live on campus, which is a rarity in Japan, thereby providing many opportunities for interaction with native speakers. The AIU library is open 24 hours every day, and there is public transportation to the city center and to a large American-style shopping plaza.

Students will live in shared on-campus dormitory housing with heat and air conditioning. All students are required to stay in program sponsored housing, independent housing arrangements are not allowed by UD or the program partners.

Experiential Learning
This program includes community service opportunities as offered through AIU. The university provides extensive off-campus activities, including community outreach opportunities, field trips, service-oriented clubs, and a home visit program, all designed to facilitate intercultural understanding and respect through true cultural and linguistic immersion experiences.

The Program Fee includes housing, dining hall meals for the first 2 weeks, international health insurance, activities fee, transportation to AIU upon arrival, as well as full access to all AIU facilities and services. After acceptance students will receive instructions from AIU regarding how to take advantage of AIU's pick-up service from the Akita airport or train station on the program's starting date.

The Program Fee does NOT include airfare, meal plan, visa expenses, return trip to airport. Students will need to budget for meals, cell phone, books and supplies, and other personal expenses. The program officially begins when students arrive in Akita.

ACCESSIBILITY: Students with disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to study abroad, but should be aware that accessibility and accommodation in some program locations may differ from the United States. Transit systems and legacy building construction practices may not meet U.S. accessibility standards, and alternative access to public transportation, buildings, or public sites cannot be guaranteed. Review these questions with the Office of Disability Support Services to determine whether this program can meet your accommodation needs

Courses: Students must enroll in all credit-bearing courses for a grade. Only the UNIV (zero credit) course may be taken pass/fail. Audit registration is not permitted on UD Travel Study. Please refer to the University Catalog to verify requirements and prerequisites. All students must enroll in at least 12 credits, as well as the 0-credit UNIV course. Note: Courses listed below are currently under review. All students will work with the faculty director to finalize their UD approved schedule.

Course instruction is in English, except for JAPN courses. All students take two 3-credit JAPN courses as per the course equivalency chart at the bottom of this page, and based on their performance on the placement exam. Students also take 6-12 additional credits of their choice in Japanese or English, depending on their level of Japanese and performance on the AIU placement exam. Maximum credit enrollment is 18.

Note that course offerings are subject to change, as the host institution may make changes to its course offerings. Typically AIU publicizes its course schedule for fall in June.
ANTH 101-073: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ANT 150 Cultural Anthropology
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
  • Multicultural
ANTH 367-070: Personhood and the Self – Anthropological Perspectives (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ANT 300 Personhood and the Self: Anthropological Perspectives
ARTH 199-102: Topics in Art History (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ART300 Japanese Art History in Global Context
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Arts and Sciences - Group A
BUAD 318-071: Special Topics in Marketing (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 308: Marketing Change Strategy
BUAD 367-072: Department Elective (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN309 International Business Law
BUAD 384-079: Global Business Environment (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 240 International Business
BUAD 425-073: Current Issues in Global Business (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 343 Japanese Business Culture
BUAD 475-100: International Marketing (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 318 Global Marketing
BUAD 477-072: Digital Marketing (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 391 Digital Marketing
COMM 167-073: Global Media (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: SOC 371 Global Media
COMM 167-070: News Media, Culture, and Ideology (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: COM 260 News Media, Culture, and Ideology
COMM 263-073: Communicative Behavior and Culture (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: COM 250 Intercultural Communication
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Multicultural
  • Global Studies Minor
ECON 342-076: Studies in International Economics: International Trade (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 320 - International Trade
EDUC 267-070: Education Systems (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: EDU 151 Education Systems
ENGL 227-070: Introduction to Creative Writing (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ENG 260 Creative Writing
ENTR 420-070: Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN354 Social Entrepreneurship
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Discovery Learning
FINC 200-070: Fundamentals of Finance (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN301: Financial Theories and Applications
FINC 367-070: Behavioral Finance (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN 348 Behavioral Finance
GEOG 102-070: Human Geography (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: GEO 150 Introduction to Human Geography
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University Social Science Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group C
  • Multicultural
GEOG 325-071: Urban Geography (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: GEO 240 Geography of East Asia
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University Social Science Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group C
HIST 138-070: East Asian Civilization: Japan (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS201 Japanese History I: Premodern Japan
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
  • Multicultural
HIST 167-070: Modern History of Culture, Media, and Language in Japan (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 367 Modern History of Culture, Media, and Language in Japan
JAPN 107-070: Japanese III - Intermediate (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL/N210 Upper Elementary Japanese I / JPL/N219 Upper Elementary Japanese I Practice
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Arts and Sciences - Foreign Language
JAPN 200-070: Japanese Grammar and Composition (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: See JAPN 107 & JAPN 205
JAPN 205-070: Japanese Conversation (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL/N220 Upper Elementary Japanese II / JPL/N229 Upper Elementary Japanese II Practice
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Arts and Sciences - Group C
JAPN 306-070: Practical Oral/Written Expression (6 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL/N320 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPN 355-071: Special Topics: Upper Intermediate Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 305 Intermediate Japanese
JAPN 366-070: Independent Study - Japanese Practice (1 credit) pass/fail
Provider Equivalent: JPL 331 Japanese Practice
JAPN 401-070: Using Japanese: Issues in Contemporary Society (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 310 Intercultural Perspectives on Japanese Society
JAPN 407-071: Kanji Consolidation (1 credit)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 324 Kanji Consolidation
JAPN 407-070: Kanji Foundation (1 credit)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 314 Kanji Foundation
JAPN 408-100: Advanced Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 506 Advanced Japanese
JAPN 408-070: English-Japanese Translation (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 442 English-Japanese Translation
JAPN 408-071: Higher Intermediate Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 402 Higher Intermediate Japanese
JAPN 408-072: Japanese-Chinese Translation (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 521 Japanese-Chinese Translation
JAPN 408-073: Pronunciation (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 315 or JPL 415 Pronunciation
JAPN 408-074: Reading Comprehension I (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 390 Reading Comprehension
JAPN 408-075: Reading Comprehension II (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 391 Reading Comprehension
JAPN 408-076: Reading Comprehension III (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 394 Reading Comprehension
JAPN 408-077: Speaking (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 411 Speaking
JAPN 408-078: Special Topics - Intermediate Japanese III (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 307 Intermediate Japanese
JAPN 408-079: Writing (2 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 421 Writing
JAPN 455-070: Selected Authors, Works Themes: Advanced Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 506 Advanced Japanese
JAPN 455-071: Selected Authors, Works Themes: Higher Intermediate Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 402 Higher Intermediate Japanese
JAPN 455-073: Selected Authors, Works, and Themes: Topics in Advanced Japanese (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 307 Intermediate Japanese: Intermediate Japanese III
JAPN 455-070: Selected Authors, Works, Themes: Intermediate Japanese II (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JPL 305 Intermediate Japanese
LLCU 208-070: Cultures in context (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 250 Intro. to Japanese Society
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
LLCU 208-071: Cultures in Context: Akita Rural Studies (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 380 Akita Rural Studies
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
LLCU 208-073: Cultures in Context: Traditional Japanese Arts (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 115 Traditional Japanese Arts I: Tea Ceremony & JAS 135 Traditional Japanese Arts II: Ikebana, Kabuki, Noh, Buyo
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
LLCU 360-070: Humanities Colloquium: Japanese Visual Culture (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 370 Anime and Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture
MUSC 167-070: Music Experience Through Practice (1 credit)
Provider Equivalent: MUS 221
MUSC 205-072: Music of the World (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: MUS 250: Music We Live By
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University History Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group B
  • Multicultural
PHIL 105-073: Critical Thinking (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: ECN250 Foundations of Managerial Decision-Making
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University Arts/Humanities Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group A
PHIL 125-070: Topics: Philosophy in Popular Culture (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: PHL250: Philosophy Through Science Fiction
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • University Arts/Humanities Breadth
  • Arts and Sciences - Group A
POSC 409-073: Topics in World Politics: Chinese Politics & Thought (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: PLS 360 - Chinese Politics and Thought
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Global Studies Minor
POSC 409-074: Topics in World Politics: Japanese Politics (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: JAS 220 - Japanese Politics
POSC 428-070: Topics in Asian Politics: Japanese Constitution and Law (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: LAW 160 Japanese Constitute and Law
UNIV 373-010: Study Abroad - Akita (0 credits) pass/fail
Satisfies the following requirements:
  • Discovery Learning
WOMS 250-071: Topics in International Women's Studies (3 credits)
Provider Equivalent: GND 200 Introduction to Gender Studies: Women’s Rights and Leadership

Program Costs:

How much does it cost?.
Delaware ResidentNon-Delaware Resident
Final Tuition based on current year$7,300.00$19,595.00
Final Program Fee$300.00$300.00
UD Registration & Activities Fee$0.00$0.00
Total to be charged to UD account $7,600.00$19,895.00
Plus Airfare Estimate (purchased separately)$1,700.00$1,700.00

The rates above may not apply to you if you are a UD graduate student during the time you are studying abroad. Please refer to for the appropriate rates.

When and how do I pay?
If you are offered acceptance to the program, you will have 3 days to withdraw without financial penalty. After the 3 days have passed, you will be officially accepted to the program, and IGS will post the full Program Fee and Tuition/Fees to your UD student account.

*All students will receive an email when they are accepted to a program and will have 10 days from that notification to make their $1,000.00 Initial Payment.

Contact Information:
Chika Inoue
Faculty Director
Foreign Languages and Literatures
309 Jastak-Burgess Hall

Submit Program Application by 5pm on February 01, 2024
Recommendation also due by 5pm on February 01, 2024
Acceptance and Scholarship Announced: February 05, 2024

Please note that this program is highly competitive and will accept only a limited number of applicants. Interview appointments and acceptance decisions are at the discretion of the faculty director.

Interest Meetings:

Program information is subject to change at any time. Please check this web site periodically for updates.